Monday, September 13, 2010

Roof Shingles and Interior Walls

It was a busy week at the Hennessy house this past week, though the visual results aren't as dramatic as we've seen in the past.

You can see that the chimney has been built and is ready to be covered in stone. At Rory's insistence, it is wide enough to fit Santa. 

They have begun framing the interior walls upstairs. The top picture is looking from the west side of the house towards our bedroom. I am looking out our bathroom window. The second picture is taken from our bedroom looking west. I have an urge to put nails in the studs now to save me having to find the damn things later when it's time to hang pictures!

Rory decided that the sawdust on the floor had to go. He's a little OCD like his mother. But he's got great curling form and has his game face on!

And finally, they started roof shingling and should be done with that early this week. This week they'll also be bringing in windows and doors and may pour the concrete slab.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have enough experience regarding roof shingles but may be text of the post can be useful for many people all around the world.

